10 type of dreams which may rich you soon English

10 type of dreams which may rich and success you soon English

Dreams are exciting . They indicate our presence and future. Now I drown your attention such type of dreams which may indicate you rich and success  in future. 

1 seening a beautiful lady  in dreams is a good dreams . It's indicate that you found good news soon. This good news may regarding about money. 

2 seening old lady in dreams means a good dreams. This dreams indicate that you got a lot of money in near future soon.. 

3 seening self with women in sexual position and plying four play in dreams is a good dreams. This dreams means you got a bonus or extra lot of extra money soon.

4 seening crop or lot of corn in dreams is a good dreams . This dreams means you  received lot of money from any sources.

5 seening dead body in dreams means , .this dreams  is a good dreams. It means you got a good information soon. 

6 seening a climb  mountain in dreams means, this dreams means you got lot of success in your life soon.

7 seening killed  black snake in dreams means a good dreams its means you success in your life. Your  enimy is lost his good position.

8 seening  black cobra  capture by you in dreams is a good dreams its means you got success in your life soon.

9 seening cow in dreams is a good dreams . Its means you earn lot of money in future.

10 seening  rice paddy in dreams is a good dreams. Its means you earn lot of money in near future soon.

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