what kind of treatment liver available in Indian Ayruvedic herbs hindi

What kind of treatment liver available in Indian Ayruvedic herbs hinxi

Liver is the most important part of our body.we ate & digest all food by the help of liver. In shortly we can say , without liver we cannot alive. So If any cause our liver have not  functioning  properly we go to sick . As result  we feel many disease like, digestion problems, jaundice, black jaundice, voting  hepatitis B and c  is the main disease of liver. If timely we fails to cure our liver then person may died. In India there are lot of herbs availabe to liver treatment. Arjun chhal means Arjun bark is the main medicine for the  liver .it's is known for golden tonic for liver . If you feel any liver problem  ,you should direct go to your doctor and check your blood test through adviced  your doctor. If you have any liver problem you should take Arjun bark powder in direction of your doctor  with simple water is good for any type of liver problem.. Arjun bark is also good for those who facing heart and heart related  problem  like high blood pressure, sugar, and cholostrol and also liver problem. This  is golden herb for liver and heart.you should take in directions of Aryuvedachary.।

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