Can God talk to us through dream

Can God talk to us through dream 
Yes friends, god  may talk to you in your sweat dream . Do you know , How it's possible, friend here means earth there is only trick to pleased god through your good work like help to poor  needed person and god  also happy those who  help need  person on their requirement . God always watched you what will you do in  earth which built by god for happy living  those who  sent by god for their responsibility  with own family neighbouring ,town ,district, state, country and also for whole world. If anyone take the responsibility to  maintain  keep peace  in own area state country and for world. From those people  god always happy and talk in dream and also give his blessing time to time. This dream is very good , in this dream god blessing you if you seen such dream the god give you lot of happiness and also give lot of money and power in society. Your society  always respect you. Thank you for reading.

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