what view Indian theory Dreaming of someone giving you a Bible

What view Indian theory Dreaming of someone giving you a Bible 

Dream of bible is good dream. This dream came  to man women children those who follow Jesus Christ daily in his church  and in own heart or also who  read jesus  related leturature daily.  This is a good dream , if you saw a dream and in this dream someone giving you a bible you. You think what it's means. Dear friend this is a good dream , you go to god pray line and your good time came near , you spent your lot of time in god work to pleased to god . This dream means your lucky time also came near , god chance you to earn lot of respect from your society, your society always give you respect . You also earn money for your own family . Your family also feels happy from your work.have you seen bible dream    if you seen bible dream  it's means this is a good lucky dream . bible dream  is came who follow the Christ riligion ..
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