what sympotom of low blood pressure and how it's may dangers in life English

What Sympotom of low blood pressure and how  it's dangers English

Low blood pressure sympotom

Low blood pressure is dangers if somebody who faceing such type of  problem and not drawan his her  attention may  caused dangers for his her life.. he she need medical attention timely  if he she faceing health problems caused low blood pressure . Low Blood pressure may caused  dangers for  humenbody organ failure like heart attack  paralicis and also dangers for  failor other organ  .

1,  if your  blood pressure   90/60 then it low as per medical expert.

2 sexual point feel some thing like  vibration . It's means you are falls in low blood pressure.

3 if your  heart bit  low. 

4,  ate fruit like apple ,orange ,  carrot down the blood pressure. Its means your blood pressure low.

5 Sex down the blood pressure. If your Sex down and not pressure on sex point ,its means your blood pressure is low.

6  lightheadedness dizzy during sitting and standing. If you feel dizzy during  standing from sitting for two or three minutes. It's means you are low blood pressure patient.

7,Feeling sick if  you feeling sick all time that means you are came in low blood pressure.

8,Generally feeling weak means you may came under  low blood pressure.

9 Confusion the patient who came in low blood pressure feel always in confusion in all things.

10 Fainting.
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